

The U.S. Aviation based armed forces has as a minor armada of 186 Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor stealth contenders. That is all that made due out of 187 creation air ship (195 planes if formative airframes are incorporated) that were assembled of the 750 that were initially arranged. Of those 186 remaining Raptors, just 123 are "battle coded" air ship with another twenty that are delegated reinforcement air ship stock machines. The rest are test and preparing resources.

The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is a solitary seat, twin-motor, all-climate stealth strategic warrior flying machine produced for the United States Air Force (USAF). The consequence of the USAF's Advanced Tactical Fighter program, the air ship was outlined fundamentally as an air prevalence warrior, yet has extra abilities including ground assault, electronic fighting, and flags knowledge roles. Lockheed Martin is the prime contractual worker and was in charge of most of the airframe, weapon frameworks, and last get together of the F-22, while project accomplice Boeing gave the wings, toward the back fuselage, flight incorporation, and preparing frameworks.

The airplane was differently assigned F-22 and F/A-22 preceding formally entering administration in December 2005 as the F-22A. In spite of an extended improvement and additionally operational issues, the USAF considers the F-22 a basic segment of its strategic air power, and expresses that the air ship is unmatched by any known or anticipated fighter. The Raptor's blend of stealth, streamlined execution, and situational mindfulness gives the flying machine exceptional air battle capabilities.

The high cost of the airplane, an absence of clear aerial missions because of postponements in Russian and Chinese warrior programs, a prohibition on fares, and advancement of the more adaptable and lower expense F-35 prompted the end of F-22 production.A last obtainment count of 187 operational creation air ship was built up in 2009 and the last F-22 was conveyed to the USAF

The F-22 system is building up the cutting edge air prevalence warrior for the Air Force over counter developing overall dangers. It is intended to enter foe airspace and accomplish a first-look, first-execute capacity against various targets. The F-22 is portrayed by a low-discernible, exceptionally flexibility airframe; progressed coordinated flying; and streamlined execution permitting supersonic journey without max engine propulsion.

Stealth: Greatly builds survivability and lethality by denying the adversary basic data required to effectively assault the F-22

Incorporated Avionics: Allows F-22 pilots uncommon familiarity with foe powers through the combination of on-and off-board data

Supercruise: Enhances weapons adequacy; permits quick travel through the battlespace; lessens the foe's an ideal opportunity to counter assault

The F-22's motor is relied upon to be the first to give the capacity to fly speedier than the pace of sound for an amplified timeframe without the high fuel utilization normal for flying machine that utilization max engine thrust to accomplish supersonic paces. It is required to give superior and high fuel proficiency at slower speeds also.

For its essential aerial part, the F-22 will convey six AIM-120C and two AIM-9 rockets. For its air-to-ground part, the F-22 can inside convey two 1,000 pound-class Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), two AIM-120C, and two AIM-9 rockets. With the Global Positioning System-guided JDAM, the F-22 will have an unfavorable climate capacity to supplement the F-117 (and later the Joint Strike Fighter) for air-to-ground missions in the wake of accomplishing air strength.

The F-22's battle arrangement is "perfect", that is, with all deadly implement conveyed inside and with no outer stores. This is a vital element in the F-22's stealth attributes, and it enhances the contender's streamlined features by drastically lessening drag, which, thus, enhances the F-22's territory. The F-22 has four under wing hardpoints, each equipped for conveying 5,000 pounds. A solitary arch configuration, which components forward and toward the back influence props, a rearward rotate, electrical associations, and fuel and air associations, is utilized. Either a 600-gallon fuel tank or two LAU-128/A rocket launchers can be appended to the base of the arch, contingent upon the mission. There are two fundamental outer arrangements for the F-22:

Four 600 gallon fuel tanks, no outside weapons: This design is utilized when the air ship is being carried and additional reach is required. A BRU-47/A rack is utilized on every arch to hold the outer tanks.

Two 600 gallon fuel tanks, four rockets: This arrangement is utilized after air strength as a part of a fight region has been secured, and additional linger time and capability is required for Combat Air Patrol (CAP). The outside fuel tanks, held by a BRU-47/A rack are carried on the inboard stations, while an arch fitted with two LAU-128/A rail launchers is fitted to each of the detachable stations.


Function Air prevalence contender

Temporary workers

Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems: F-22 program administration, the coordinated forebody (nose segment) and forward fuselage (counting the cockpit and gulfs), driving edges of the wings, the balances and stabilators, folds, ailerons, landing apparatus and last gathering of the flying machine.

Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems: Center fuselage, stores administration, coordinated route and electronic fighting frameworks (INEWS), the correspondences, route, and distinguishing proof (CNI) framework, and the weapon emotionally supportive network.

Boeing: wings, behind fuselage (counting the structures fundamental for motor and spout establishment), radar framework improvement and testing, aeronautics incorporation, the preparation framework, and flight-test advancement and administration.

Pratt and Whitney: F119-PW-100 motors that power the Raptor.

Major Subcontractors (partial list): Northrop Grumman, Texas Instruments, Kidde-Graviner Ltd., Allied-Signal Aerospace, Hughes Radar Systems, Harris, Fairchild Defense, GEC Avionics, Lockheed Sanders, Kaiser Electronics, Digital Equipment Corp., Rosemount Aerospace, Curtiss-Wright Flight Systems, Dowty Decoto, EDO Corp., Lear Astronics Corp., Parker-Hannifin Corp., Simmonds Precision, Sterer Engineering, TRW, XAR, Motorola, Hamilton Standard, Sanders/GE Joint Venture, Menasco Aerospace.

Propulsion two Pratt and Whitney F119-PW-100 motors

Thrust 35,000 lbst

Length 62.08 feet, 18.90 meters

Height 16.67 feet, 5.08 meters

Wingspan 44.5 feet, 13.56 meters

Wing Area 840 square feet

Flat Tailspan 29 feet, 8.84 meters

Most extreme Takeoff Weight


Speed Mach 1.8 (supercruise: Mach 1.5)

Crew one

Deadly implement

Two AIM-9 Sidewinders

six AIM-120C Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM)

one 20mm Gatling firearm

two 1,000-pound Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM)

To start with flight: September 7, 1997

Date Deployed deliveries starting in 2002

operational by 2004

Unit Costs

DOD's Projected Unit

Costs Before and After Restructuring


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Low-rate Full-rate

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Units Unit Units Unit

Assessments expense cost

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Before rebuilding 76 $142.6 362 $102.8

Rebuilt without 70 $200.3 368 $128.2


Rebuilt with 70 $200.8 368 $ 92.4


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F22-RAPTOR F22-RAPTOR Reviewed by khan on 8:17 AM Rating: 5

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